Ash Wednesday
As I receive the ashes on my forehead this day,
help me to remember who I am, and who You are.
May I remember that You have formed me out of dust,
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Help me to know that I am held in the palm of Your hand,
and never alone in my life or my death.
As I enter this Lenten season, help me to stop each day,
and see Your beauty around me.
May I remember to open my heart to you, and to those around me,
and know that I am part of your family on earth.
Help me to know that I will live on with You forever,
even until the end of the age as I know it.
Come to me this Ash Wednesday,
and hear my prayer.
May I reach out and up for Your wisdom, Your guidance,
and may I always walk in the way of truth.
Help me to deepen my understanding of You,
