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Georgie Skover

I have spent my life on a spiritual journey. There have been times when I was searching more diligently than others, but the search was always present within me. I have great respect for the spiritual journey and the answers everyone finds in their own way. No one answer fits everyone, but spirituality is a deeply personal process that occurs on many levels. I honor and respect the spirituality within each person and am fascinated by the diversity and complexity of the human spirit.


When I met Cliront in 2003, I was searching for a more profound realization of my own spirit and the Great Spirit that is ALL and in ALL. So, when I rested my pen on paper, and a message began to flow out, I was overjoyed. The messages that came to me gave me strength and answered many questions. Some questions were about ordinary, daily things, and some were about how I could align my spirit more directly with the Spirit of God and become more attuned to God’s plan for my life. The answers were deeply spiritual and always turned me back to God and to Jesus.

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