Updated: May 24, 2022
(Do you have a word for me?)
Yes, and the word is Peace. The peace that passes all understanding.
Keep your mind so focused on Him that the ‘stressful anxieties’ - the worries of your daily life do not overwhelm you. Know that He is always close by and keep your heart and mind focused on Him.
The worldly stresses are just here for a moment, to stretch you and to teach you wonderful lessons. Allow them to teach. Open to the lesson – embrace it and do not resist. Know that you are being led along the path of perfection; of coming to a place of true awareness.
These are but minor, temporary worries. Keep your eyes on the goal, the perfection of being His.
Lift your gaze and see, like the giraffe, the beautiful horizon ahead of you.
All is well.
All is calm.
All is happening as it should in the most perfect way.
You are loved.

Photo by Georgie - "Portofino"