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Happiness to You

Updated: Apr 29, 2022

Cliront ~

Good morning and happiness to you! I have good news for you today. So many happy things are on their way to you. Step forward into each day expectantly, for He cares for you and goes before you. Take nothing for granted but be thoughtful and grateful for each breath you take.

In His incredible mercy, God is preparing a way for you and leading you through it. Trust not your judgments and understanding but trust Him who was and is and is to come. Healing is happening. Allow it to flow, both physically and emotionally, within the family. Bear each lesson with gratefulness and sincerity, serenity, and move forward steadily.

Don’t hinder the lessons. See where they will take you. Gently and purposefully step forward into life, unafraid. So many beautiful blessings are waiting to express through you. Don’t stop them from coming to you. Continue to meditate. It lifts you into higher consciousness and is healing and cleansing. Listen to your still small voice within. Quiet, quiet. It’s a whisper that tells you the truth. Honor the whispers. Do not trust your understanding, but trust in Him who sees all and knows all. I am with you always. Have no fear, no concerns. Trust and rest in Him. Honor yourself and others.

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