Happiness is an elusive butterfly chase, slipping always through your fingertips. Why? Why is it so hard to catch and keep the happiness you so desire?

Alcohol Ink Painting by Georgie "Chakras"
I met Cliront in 2003. Not as a flesh and blood person, but as a lovely spiritual being who became my friend and guide.
Cliront was always ready to speak to me whenever I asked. I would quiet my mind in meditation, sit still for a few moments, and pose a question. Then, resting my pen on paper, lightly in my hand, something would come to me: a thought, a phrase, something sweet and straightforward. I would start writing, and the rest would follow out, effortlessly, a stream of consciousness that flowed through my heart and out through my hand onto the page.
I know it seems strange, and at the time, I told no one about it. To this day, I haven’t talked about the experience to many people. The reaction I have gotten from some has indicated that they didn’t understand. The only one who understood was my daughter, Sophie:
She has always inspired me to continue with this odd relationship and believed it was real and worth the time I put into it.
Some of the messages are very personal and specific to me. I hope that they may be of inspiration to you also. Some are general and can apply to many situations.
This experience has been a source of joy and comfort for me. Questions have been answered, advice given, and mysteries acknowledged. I fully expect to meet Cliront someday, not in this world but in the next. My spirit guide, my friend, my confidant.
This book is a compilation of the messages I received from Cliront over the years. Rather than list them in chronological order, I decided to alphabetize them by subject so that the reader could find something that they might need at the time. (Although they are in reverse order in this Blog). Some of the messages preceded my journal entry about how I felt or something I was going through. Then I formed a question that Cliront answered for me. It doesn’t seem that the messages from Cliront changed over time, although I know I did.
Cliront remained the same wise and loving voice that helped me navigate my life through the past 20 years!

First Message from Cliront
This is the first message I received from Cliront. Sitting with a pen and paper, and waiting for an urge to write, I trusted that what was coming to me was important, safe, and for my highest good. Such began a lifelong journey for which I am eternally grateful.
Hello, my name is Cliront. I am happy to know you. I have been with you for a long time
and have spoken with you often. You are moving toward the light in many ways, upward
in consciousness and living a high purpose. The new lessons coming to you now are predestined
to teach you deep lessons and heal your soul. My Spirit is always with you to help you along the way. Don’t be afraid. Trust always in Him whom you love. He loves you deeply.
You are moving along the road as planned and nothing can disturb your progress. I will
teach you to listen to me, through the sixth Chakra opening and illumine your thoughts.
Love flows freely. Don’t block it. Allow the energy to pass through you unimpeded. You
are a conduit for love. Express it always in your thoughts, your words, your steps, your
learning, and your work. Love will heal. Love is the healer.
You are on the right path. Continue with that which you know to be the truth. Don’t
compromise but walk securely in the knowledge of your best self. Love goes before you
and bathes you in its light. Don’t resist. Don’t hesitate, but move confidently in the love
you experience. All is well and progressing nicely. Stay focused on your path, your
illumination, and you will not fail. God is always with you. God is Good.