In and of myself, I am.
Not just in the doing, the giving, the serving.
But just in the being.
I am enough.
To give, to love, to serve
Is not the only way to be of value.
Not the only way to be something or someone.
I am enough, just being.
I do not disappear when I am just being.
When I stop my constant thinking of others,
am I sill something of substance?
Am I enough to allow my being to have value?
If I think of myself and not others,
standing in my own truth and talent,
I have presence, meaning, and solidity.
I am enough, standing in my own space.
If my life becomes empty of the serving and the giving
Will I still exist, or will I evaporate into nothing?
Can I step into the foreground and be?
Can I be enough, just me, just now, just being?
How can I find that place of substance that I am?
Is it truly the me I find inside?
The gifts, and the talents are my own.
Whether they are shared with you or not.
I can find myself, without the need to be for others.
I can know that I am enough, just alone and with me.
And here with me, inside my very core
I am enough, just being me.